To My Brother
You used to like sour candies and I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to eat sour when sweet was right there.
I used to study a lot and you used to laugh at me studying a lot. But when I graduated with honors, no one yelled louder as I crossed the stage.
I love you. I love you because you are my brother. I would fight anyone outside our family for you. I would help you develop yourself and your community, because that’s what family does.
I know that people on the block are talking about us fighting — like actually fighting — because we see life or candidates or whatever differently.
We are family. We share the same name. We live together. We strive together on some things and respectfully pull away on some things we just don’t see the same. But I’ll always love and respect you because that’s what we do, in our family.
YOU are my brother. The US is our family. American is our shared name. We fight outsiders when its needed, not one another, because we are one. United. United States. Be Love. No matter how you see things or who you feel you want to lead our country. No matter who wins the presidential election, Love must win over Hate because our playbook, our Constitution, demands it. We remember who we are, we don’t discard who we are.
Because after the election, we are still family — we need to live and work together. We collaborate, not threat. Our family is counting on our ability to work out our differences and get along. We don’t want to give anyone in the world reason to think there are issues in our house.
Plus, I got your name in the family gift exchange, and it’d be weird if we leered at each other during the holidays.