Election 2020 — What Do We Value?
Right now, The Washington Post is reporting that Biden has 224 electoral votes and Trump has 213 electoral votes. Biden has 50% of the popular vote currently and Trump has 48% of the popular vote. In this moment in time, Biden has the lead.
Pennsylvania and Michigan expect to finish counting their votes on Friday and Georgia hopes to release final counts today, Wednesday. We are days away from knowing who gets 270 electoral votes.
I don’t think the final results are in because they are not. I am going to wait until all the votes are counted — and hope that they are accurate.
What has me bummed is that SO MANY people seem to want a man who:
- Evaded taxes
- Owes more than $400M and failed at several businesses (who loses money as a casino owner?)
- Mistreats immigrants
- Outwardly sneers at women — several who accused him of rape
- Seems to share the same racist values as his father (Guthrie wrote a song about Fred Trump’s real estate prejudices — the US Justice Department Civil Rights Division sued him regarding the Fair Housing Act in the early 1970’s)
and has been caught in literally thousands of lies about everything, including the danger of the virus he enabled to become pandemic in the country.
“Shithole countries” like Africa and Vietnam have done better jobs at handling Covid-19.
I’m heartbroken that there are so many people who know he is hateful and they are good with having him represent them and lead them. I’m mystified that the people of this country want him. They are ok with the rhetoric and lack of productive action. The hate speak. The insults. The lies. They like it. They want more.
Even if — and please G-d let it be — Biden wins the election, I’m now aware that people across this country like what they see in Trump. And THAT is the reason I feel heavy-hearted. I haven’t given up on the possibility that Biden squeaks it out — I’m just shocked that it’s this close. I feel that my countrymen didn’t elect good, decency, respect and compassion with resound. I’m having a hard time believing that.
I stayed up a bit later than usual last night but went to bed and slept well. Giving my energy to the election won’t impact it at all — I’ve resolved to love my little world even more. To enjoy the good vibes of my bubble. I think the Universe slowed the results from release so people could stay calm instead of erupt — like after a championship game. Instead we are all going about our lives, knowing it’ll take a while, so we can pace ourselves.
The only thing I will tell you — and I swear I will do it — is if indeed Trump is declared the winner of the election, I will take down the American flag that has flown outside of my house for many years. I’m embarrassed that my countrymen want him. I’m embarrassed to be associated with his administration. Whether we continue to live in the US full time is a future discussion. We don’t feel aligned with the sentiment of the American people.